Ozella Johe’s Birth Story
Ozella Johe was my very first baby. To say I was uneducated and unprepared for birth would be an understatement. When my due date rolled around, I was surprised that I had not had her yet. Come to find out, she’d be one of my earliest births. At 4o weeks and 4 days, I went to a doctor’s appointment where I was .5cm dilated. That day was June 15, 2020 which was also my first anniversary. My doctor asked if I’d like a membrane sweep which could help induce labor and I agreed. It was extremely painful, but nothing compared to what was to come in labor! Matt and I had an anniversary lunch at P.F Chang’s where I cried about my discouragement that I had not had a baby yet.
The next morning I woke up around 4am. I wasn’t totally sure why I woke up but I knew that something had caused me to wake up. I fell back asleep and had contractions far apart until 8am. At this point, COVID restrictions were at an all time high. Everyone had to be tested before coming into the hospital. I was scheduled for an induction at 41 weeks so they asked me to come in and be COVID tested before we came for the induction. So even though I was sure I was in the early stages of labor, I drove over to the hospital at 9am to do a nose swab. I told the nurse who did the swab that I would be back later that day to have a baby. She didn’t believe me.
By the time I made it back home, I was sure I was in labor. The contractions were consistent and I was handling them well. I was still very early in the labor process but I didn’t know what was to come. I got in the bathtub and was praying about knowing when to head to the hospital. I asked the Lord to help me know when it was the right time to go in. When I stood up from the bath, my water broke. The Lord answers prayer. We put a towel between my legs, grabbed our bags, and headed in. On the way there, Matt asked if I was still committed to an unmedicated birth and I said yes. I’m grateful he confirmed this with me and honored my desires.
My contractions were still fairly mild at this point and when we checked in at the hospital they checked my dilation. I was at 4cm. It was a very busy day at this particular hospital so we ended up staying in triage for the next seven hours. I was leaking fluid, using the bathroom, and laboring through intense contractions all in a public place. It was miserable. I remember at one point I stopped caring about putting my shoes on. Matt said that’s when he knew I was in deep. Around 7pm, they finally allowed me into a birthing room. I was 8cm dilated and in the most horrendous and excruciating pain I’ve ever been in. That’s what happens when you have no education and no support. Now that I’m a doula, I look back and cannot believe I made it through this labor unmedicated.
I spiked a fever at this point and they were concerned about infection because my water had been broken for awhile but it turned out to be nothing. I was laboring on my back in bed for the final two hours of my labor. I just kept singing Yet Not I But Through Christ In Me by CityAlight in my head. Finally, I hit 10cm and the doctor came in so I could start pushing. I push for 20 minutes, the entire time I’m thinking “I cannot do this, this baby is not coming out.” My first push, I ripped my feet out of the nurse’s hands and kick my doctor into the cabinets behind him. He told me that I had to do this, I had no choice. That was the motivation I needed. When Ozella’s head came out, her body quickly followed. She cried immediately and was placed on my chest. This was one of the most sacred moments of my life. I watched the Lord breathe life into my daughter as she emerged and yelled “Breath of life! Breath of life!”
That experience is what made me want to become a doula. I saw the importance of having support and education regarding the birth process. Ozella’s birth continues to top the charts as one of mine and Matt’s most joyous moments in all of our marriage. We feel immensely grateful to get to be her parents.
Ozella Johe was born on June 16, 2020 at 9pm. Labor with her lasted 12 hours. She was 7lbs 5oz and nursed immediately.
Grace upon grace. Soli Deo gloria!